What Do You Desire for Your Life?

Happy Spring! The blossoms are out and the daffodils and crocus are poking out of the earth after the dark cold Winter. For those of us in the NorthWest, the first signs of Spring are a big deal. The flowers and extra light bring us hope of longer days and lighter moods. Many find they have an uplift in energy and have a desire to start new projects or exercising more.

Did you know that we are meant to dream and be creative?

Now is a perfect time to focus on what you want in life. Do you know what you really want in life? Do you have a dream or goal that you would like to achieve this year? The things you want don’t have to be big, they can be just ordinary things of everyday life. For example, I am working with a young woman who was unhappy with her living space. She didn’t like being at home at all. For her, creating a warm and welcoming energy and feeling of space and relaxation was very important to her well-being. For many months she’d been trying to accomplish this change and it eventually took breaking up with her boyfriend to really inspire her in turning her living space into a sanctuary.

What would make you happy? Being successful and moving forward in life takes intention and commitment. Set an intention for what you want to create and then place your attention on this intention. Think of your intention a lot. When we are living in integrity and set an intention to manifest our dreams and goals then we must say NO to whatever is not taking us in that direction. Getting clear with what we truly want and honoring this will propel you toward a deeper and more rewarding life.

Write down your dream or goal and then share it with someone who supports you no matter what. Steer clear of those who are negative and/or don’t believe in dreams. Surrounding yourself with those who are on a similar path can help you stay on yours. It will also be a lot more fun!

If you’re anything like me, procrastination and not knowing exactly what to do can get in the way of achieving your goals. Working with a coach who has your best interest in mind will help you in ways you never thought possible. Struggling to accomplish things without the right help and support can lead to frustration, decreased self-esteem and failure. My goal for you is to be successful!

Eilise Ward