Experiencing Grief on Mother’s Day?

Maybe your mother is gone, left this world before you got the opportunity to tell her what’s in your heart. Or perhaps you did not get the chance to be a mother yourself despite a strong drive to do so. Maybe you’re estranged, physically or emotionally, from the woman you call “Mom.”

Whatever the source of your feelings of grief and loss, it’s never too late to build a nurturing connection in your heart to motherhood.

Describe your perfect mother.

❤ What does she look like?

❤ How does her voice sound and what does she say?

❤ How does her perfume smell?

❤ How do you feel when you hug her?

Connect with these deep feelings and give yourself permission to cry on this Mother’s Day.

If you are grieving the loss of motherhood, take some time to envision your life as a nurturer, including all the relationships in which you yourself embody the qualities of the perfect mother. Allow yourself to feel and celebrate the many ways in which you are a mother at heart.



8 Tips For Honoring The Spirit of Motherhood

❤ Write a letter to your mother or surrogate mother, to send or not.

❤ Create a picture or collage of your mother or what motherhood represents to you.

❤ Visualize your perfect mother and ask for any guidance she has for you today.

❤ Design and perform a letting-go ritual for releasing feelings of grief and loss around mothering.

❤ Gather a big bouquet of flowers for yourself to honor your own nurturing capacity.

❤ Share your time with children or others needing the love and attention of a surrogate mother.

❤ Make a timeline of important events in your life and the nurturing women who supported and inspired you.

❤ Play your mother’s favorite music. First listen while allowing memories to surface. Then listen again as if hearing the music for the first time.

Eilise Ward